Challenge Reveal

Christine Penn
2 min readJan 23, 2022

TW: If you don’t want to know the answers…don’t read this until after you have read the other 3 stories and have taken your guess….

The real challenge in something like this is to be able to lie convincingly. I found it hard…but realized I had achieved success from the commentors….which made it extremely fun and validating.

Another challenge was to actually tell the truth, but have the readers wonder whether it really happened or not. That is the story that first came to mind…and then I had to find the other two to complete the challenge.

I had to do some serious research into the lie story, so it would be able to connect with anyone who may have actually had the experience.

So…drumroll please…

I have never worked at McDonalds! As stated, I did some serious online research and wrote almost point for point in one of the articles I found.

Most of it came from here — and a couple of key others.

I felt I had to make it as convincing as hell. The only true part was the beginning, only I started as a dishwasher at a local restaurant and worked my way up through the kitchen. Eventually leaving the industry a couple of years later as an assistant chef at a Country Club where I was in charge of multiple kitchens.

And people believed it 100% — mission accomplished.



Christine Penn

Trans woman, parent, cyclist, software engineer, author, chef, and many other things.