Decision Made

Christine Penn
4 min readJul 16, 2022
Mount Sinai Hospital (where GCS surgeries are done), offices are in the building across with the scaffolding on it.

So I had my follow-up this week, where I had to make the decision I was regretting as referenced in this story:

It ended up being not nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be. Still, I had some concerns that I felt needed to be worked out first, before making any final decisions on another labiaplasty. They were items that could end up affecting it.

First one was in regards to a recent issue. It feels like the plate they put in my pelvis was starting to become loose. A turn the other day (body twist) started what is now a repeating series of pains from what maybe a shifting plate occurring somewhat randomly. (The story below contains a picture of said plate…which is what the image was actually taken for; an inspection of the plate…)

Dr. Ting asked me a whole bunch of questions of what that felt like and recommended I really get that checked out…



Christine Penn

Trans woman, parent, cyclist, software engineer, author, chef, and many other things.