LGBTQ+ People Are Not Going Back
Regardless of whatever happens in the future, I promise to be defiant! I will not stand by and watch my rights erode! I will fight, provide resources to organizations that will also fight. I will march in protest and express my vote accordingly.
I voted democratic across the board, due to the parties overall support for marginal groups like my transgender community. While I believe in the general support of the party for helping all American's, they should not take my support for granted. Support for my community was not the blame for the loss in the last election.
I implore everyone to contact their Congressperson, Senators, and any other representative; federal or local and tell them that you will not tolerate any backpedaling on LGBTQ+ rights whatsoever! In fact, if they fail to strongly stand up against these attacks on LGBTQ+ rights, then I strongly encourage you to take your vote elsewhere next election.
Doing the right thing/standing on the right side of history, while sometimes tough, has never been a bad thing. All humans are deserving of a basic set of rights.
Just like when North Carolina had passed a bathroom ban and I had the opportunity to travel through the state, I will stop and use every female bathroom I can. (In fact I still have some cards to leave in the stalls, stating that “A trans person just used this bathroom….and nothing happened!”) With the recent ban imposed at the capital, when I visit…I will plan to visit the ladies room and leave some of the same cards! I encourage others to do the same.