Likely Not Aphasia — Cluttering

Christine Penn
5 min readOct 31, 2022
Photo by Darwin Vegher on Unsplash

Well, I had my first discussion with a speech pathologist today. A funny side note, as this is not the first time I have met her. We first met about a year ago when I participated in Speech Therapy sessions to help re-train my voice so it would sound more feminine. While it was probably something required of her, the college she was attending offered programs like that free of charge which I took advantage of. She graduated at the end of last year and is now working with a local provider in her profession as a Speech Language Pathologist. It was nice to see her again, and of course, she recognized me instantly.

After catching up and exchanging some pleasantries, we started off talking about the same issues I discussed in the following article:

She then asked if I had ever been diagnosed with anything along the lines like ADHD? I replied no, but it was funny that she was asking, because I have wondered about it myself at times. When my son was in grade school, after becoming disruptive in class, the school thought that he had ADHD. After having him tested, they came to the conclusion that he had a case…



Christine Penn

Trans woman, parent, cyclist, software engineer, author, chef, and many other things.