Christine PennSome details about meI recently updated the about me in my Facebook profile and I think it is worthwhile sharing it here. So, if you have any interest of…Nov 6, 20225Nov 6, 20225
Christine PennEveryone needs to have a pet when you transition.5 minutes ago, my dog just peed on the floor. It may have been because it’s bitter cold outside, that she is getting old, or many other…Jan 16, 20226Jan 16, 20226
Christine PennWhat led to the Best Christmas Present Ever!This is the story of what happened in the 6 months after the Don’t Give Up story. (That’s here —…Dec 27, 20213Dec 27, 20213
Christine PennTo the Acme lady — I’m sorry…and thank you!There’s an apology that I never got to give and it still bothers me to this day. It was for a person who never knew what she meant to me…Dec 17, 20171Dec 17, 20171
Christine PennWhat's in a name…a lot actually…I’ve had two different full names….and they both can tell you a lot about me…if you only know how to interpret them.Jan 2, 2018Jan 2, 2018
Christine PennWhy I still go to support meetings…I can still remember my first support meeting like it was yesterday. The entire experience had a profound impact on me and still does to…Mar 25, 2018Mar 25, 2018
Christine PennDon’t Give Up!This was something very hard for me to write. Its about the lowest point in my life to date. It was filled with emotions and it still…Aug 13, 2019Aug 13, 2019