Sexual Identity

A biological base argument

Christine Penn
10 min readJan 1, 2023
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

I have started and stopped writing this article many times already…it’s driving me nuts. Because the whole thing seems a bit controversial. But yet, it should be discussed and I want others to understand my opinions on it which may be unique.

It’s about Sex, Gender, and Identity, but more specifically where biology ends and where other influences take over.

Let’s start with some simple definitions

Sex — we are talking directly about biology here. Chromosomes (XX/XY), what organs you have (penis or vagina), what gametes you make (eggs or sperm), etc. Male vs Female. Look up any dictionary definition or reference you want, I think most are pretty familiar with this and for the most part, the definition of which is never disputed. (Intersex people, hold on, I will get to that in a minute…)

Gender — the expected behaviors and characteristics that those of a particular sex are supposed to abide by, set forth by the culture and society they are within. Note, that these can also vary by location and across time.

Identity — A phenomenological sense of oneself as a separate individual being with a distinctive personality and a ‘true self’ persisting over time; a self image. (1)

Some complications



Christine Penn

Trans woman, parent, cyclist, software engineer, author, chef, and many other things.