Third times the charm?

And its relation to my pelvis injury

Christine Penn
13 min readJan 16, 2023
My wrist tag for this surgery

TW: This is a frank discussion about genitals, related structures, with some medical terms. If you are not comfortable with any of that, you may want to skip on by…

The background and why I needed a third labiaplasty

This is technically my third labiaplasty, when all I ever wanted was one. The first one, was technically for creation (done during GCS — 8/26/2019). They didn’t do a bad job, but I felt somethings could have been done a little nicer; a little better. It didn’t help that I had done some minor damage to my left labia majora during recovery. I didn’t care about it that much, as going from the prior configuration to the new configuration was the much bigger deal at the time. However, there was another issue that absolutely had to be fixed that became apparent after the surgery. Urinary stream angle was off a bit, which was going to force a revision surgery. Since we were going to be doing that, I was asked if there was anything else I was not happy with. So, I decided that it would be nice if we spruced up some things a bit and repaired that damage that I had done during recovery.

This turned into having a second labiaplasty as part of the revision surgery (2/16/2021). It was a pain in the butt to go through the process again…



Christine Penn

Trans woman, parent, cyclist, software engineer, author, chef, and many other things.